long and low blog

Long and Low

Though there are many benefits to riding your horse in a long and low posture, this is not the position you would ride them in all the time. But there

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Head Position

What is the proper head position for a horse? It depends on who you ask. It can also depend on the specific breed or training discipline. Head Position – Dressage A classical

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Rope Halter

There are people (me included) who never use anything but a rope halter. Not that a web nylon or leather halter is bad, but it lacks some of the advantages that

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Respect Is A Bad Word

When it comes to discussing horse behavior, respect is a bad word. It's at the top of the list of words floating around the horse industry that can be misleading. We use

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Reins And Legs

Your reins and legs (and your seat and entire body) should all operate in unison when you ride. Too many of us are overusing the reins and underusing everything else.

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Evaluate Your Horse

If your horse has had some time off, or you’re riding an unfamiliar or young horse, it’s a good idea to evaluate him before you climb on. The most important thing

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