Horse Vocabulary
Even if you’ve been ‘horsing’’ for a long time, some of the vocabulary that is related to everything equine can be confusing. The terms can often even vary depending on
Even if you’ve been ‘horsing’’ for a long time, some of the vocabulary that is related to everything equine can be confusing. The terms can often even vary depending on
If a horse feels the need to bolt, rear, buck, and resists leaving his buddy or the barn, then negative human interaction has caused him to be that way. Don’t
How My Mission To Think Like A Horse Began Even though my parents worked on cattle ranches when I was a kid, I never really developed an interest for horses until
Should you spend weeks or even months desensitizing your horse? Does it really help, or is it a huge waste of time? Does more desensitizing cure a spooky horse? Have you
I must start this off by saying that I don’t really believe any human can teach another human how to ride a horse. The horse must teach you that. The
When I first get on any horse, I would much rather him be a little hot than lazy. A lazy horse is actually much more prone to have a blow
Before I show you how to cure a buddy sour horse, I want to point something out. The true, long-lasting cure for a buddy sour horse, is to create a horse-human
You can look online right now and find about 10,000 programs on how to train a horse. All 10,000 of those programs would probably work if you knew how to
How do you catch a horse that doesn’t want to be caught? We all know how frustrating it can be to chase a horse around the pasture for an hour